Tuesday, December 22, 2009

That's my baby!

So yesterday evening, after a million delays in leaving the house, we didn't start our errands until 6:30pm. As I tucked Basbusa into her carseat after the second-to-last stop, I told her we were going to the library next.

"Library? Library?" Yes, 7bibet mama, the library.

I then proceded to get lost twice, with the result that Basbusa was fast asleep and deep in dreamland by the time we arrived at the library at almost 8pm. Awakened by a freezing blast of wintry air as I opened the door, she was less than thrilled, and began to protest vigorously, until I said we were at the library.

"Library? Library!!!" Yes, ya ru7i, the library :)

We spent 45 minutes browsing among books and playing with the puppet theater in the toddler area, and came away with a stack of new selections. I strapped her back in her carseat, and before I had made my way around to the driver's seat, she already had her nose stuck in a book.

That's my baby :)

Also: Huge thanks to our glorious local public library, which is actually OPEN at 8pm! Bless them.

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